Monday, 29 April 2013

A haunted boy (True Story)

Assalam O Alaikum,

As I have already told you that I perform exorcism. On December 2012 A boy aging 10, 11 years was brought to me to perform exorcism, as he was badly haunted and possessed by a Hindu jinn. What he did is that he urinated under a haunted tree in the middle of night in the city of Murree, Pakistan. It is common saying that Hill stations always have spirits and supernatural beings. Anyway his parents brought him to me, despite he is a Muslim kid but he was saying that he has to go to Mundir (Hindu Temple) to worship, his face had become pale and darker and was behaving abnormally. In the meantime I started reciting Quranic verses and ignited incense sticks and brought them near to him and he became agonizing, he was shouting, crying but I kept doing my recitation, he was trying to escape from me but I kept holding him tightly. In the meantime the jinn invoked onto the child and started saying bad words to me and saying Nauzubillah that there is no God etc, he said that I will not be leaving the child's body and will remain possessed on him but I kept doing my exorcism. As more as I was reciting as more he was becoming lighter and easy, now I pressed his little finger and pulled and holdem up the jinn with my hands and then my jinns killed that Hindu jinn. The boy becomes fine saying ALLAH O AKBAR, LA ILAHA ILLALLAH O MUHAMMAD UR RASOOL ALLAH. All the agonizing, fainting, haunting and abnormalities were gone and the boy was perfectly alright. Now he is living a good, healthy life and wearing my given Talisman.
+92 0323 5077420
+92 0334 5806822 whatsapp 24/7
Dua Ali

Haunting, Sihr....

There are indeed some homes that are haunted by Jinns or which receive them. Abu Hurayrah  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him narrated that the Prophet , said that any house in which Chapter Al-Baqarah (of the Quran) is read is not entered by Satan. [At-Tirmithi]
Abu Sa‘eed  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him narrated that the Prophet , said that poisonous vermin are Jinns. Therefore, anyone who sees such things inside his house should warn them three times to leave. If there is no positive response, it must be killed. [Abu Daawood]
It is also narrated that the Prophet , forbade killing house snakes until they are warned three times to leave. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Based on this, Jinns really do inhabit homes that the Quran is not recited in. If indoor vermin do not leave a house after being warned three times, they should be killed for they are not Jinns.
Also, Jinns live in uninhabited places such as caves and burrows. Abu Qataadah  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him narrated that the Prophet , forbade urinating in holes. Explaining the reason behind this, Abu Qataadah  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him said that they are the houses of Jinns. [Ahmad, Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa'i, At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah]
In sum, Jinns live in uninhabited places and in homes that are void of Quranic recitation and the remembrance and mentioning of Allaah.
Allaah Knows best.

For any kind of spiritual work please contact to the following details below,

+92 0323 5077420
+92 0334 5806822 Whatsapp 24/7

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Black Magic Cure!!! You have come to the right place...


Black magic (sihr) is something that definitely exists and causes harm to people. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) was also afflicted with black magic. The Qur'an is an obvious proof that occult things like good or bad spirits/ghosts, jinns, Arwa, sorcery, hauntness (Sihr), Witchcraft do exist. They have their existence. In Qur'an the magic/witchcraft is mentioned 22 times,
What is Witchcraft? What exactly is a Witch? What is Black Magic? Is Witchcraft and Black magic the Same Thing? 

The term "Witchcraft" is actually two separate words combined to make one meaning. Witch usually carries the meaning describing person devoted to a certain "craft" that is known to cast Black magic Witchcraft Spells.
Using the two words together gives us the term WITCHCRAFT. The meaning of this word varies as much as the Black Magic Spells witches of the past would cast. There were countless types of "Witches" that ranged from simple herbalists to healers to evil and dark sorceresses witches.
These evil witches that used Black Magic Spells are the types of witches most people think of when they hear the words "Witch" or "Black Magic" or even "Witchcraft". Most people pursue the teachings of Wicca to try and become an official Witch. Now, there is no set criteria that is established within the Wicca religion or any other form of Spell Casting instructions that grants a person the official title of Witch. In most cases, the title was given to a person by another person.

 Black magic is mainly done by tying knots with victim's name and what they want done to that person such as to control his/her mind, make the person ill etc. Allah pointed out about this in Surah Falaq: "And from the evil of those who blow on knots.."
First and foremost it ought to be determined whether it is in fact black magic, witchcraft or sihr that the individual is affected by, evil eye
or ‘mas-h’ (possession of a jinn). The treatment for evil eye is a little different, but the treatment for spells, black magic ‘sihr’ and ‘mas-h’ are pretty much the same.
To determine whether the person is affected by black magic or sihr, a series of specific questions need to be asked with regards to the person’s behavior,
feelings, emotions and even dreams he/she may be having.
In the case of black magic, then there are several ways one could have become the victim of this. Firstly, he/she may have eaten or drank something
which was poisoned by black magic. In this case the black magic either has an affect on the stomach or the brain. Secondly, the person to whom the black magic (sihr) was aimed, may have walked over some litter/rubbish that had the spell of black magic cursed over it. And thirdly, the spell of black magic could have been cast over a piece of clothing belonging to the victim or on a strand of the victim’s hair.
When black magic is done on something like hair or an object, then this hair or object needs to be found and destroyed. However, when black magic takes
place through food or drink, then a jinn enters the person at the same time and stays within the body, until someone gets rid of him. The jinn normally lives in the body for years and years and gets accustomed to it. The longer he is in there, the more difficult it is to get rid of him.
Anyway, black magic can have many evil effects on the person. The Qur'an states that the fundamental reason why Iblis "Shaitaan" taught some people black magic "sihr" was in order to cause separation between husband and wife. And it is also used for many many other things.
Difference between Miracles and black magic
Miracles are totally different from magic. While back magic is harmful, miracles are useful. Black magic and casting spells is by seeking help from devils for harmful outcomes while miracles are from God or men of God. Miracles take place for helpful means while the intention behind black magic is to cause harm to someone or to obtain unlawful benefits. Miracles are real while magic is sometimes deceptive.


  A complete Amil and magician can do almost anything with the help of his black magic art, except for escaping death and bringing the dead back to life.
1. Separation between husband and wife, with this he can break a home and destroy somebody's married happy life.
2. Wife hating her husband upon seeing his face. In this type of magic, when a wife looks at her husband she feels angry and thus they both live a miserable life.
3. Having a headache all the time. This too is a sign of magic and the victim feels pain in the head all the time.
4. Having throat infection all the time. One feels pain and can't speak. The voice seems to have stopped in the throat.
5. Difficulty in breathing. It is a type of sifly magic. One can't breathe easily. He feels suffocation.
6. Making someone deaf. He can't hear things, and he feels pain in his ears.
7. Women get periods before the proper time and she can't get close to her husband. This too is done through magic.
8. Pain in the entire body. There is pain in the whole body and sometimes it's too much in both the legs or in the backbone. One feels its weakness but it's magic.
9. Making someone blind. A magician can make one blind with magic and his sight is lost.
10. Pain in the teeth and decay in the teeth and blood from the teeth. This too is done with magic.
11. Making the heart beat faster than it should be. The heart beat is made faster with magic. One feels it's some disease but it's not.
12. One remains sick all the time. Having fever, and remains weak.
13. Head spinning, it too is done through magic. One is made dizzy.
14. One loses his memory. He can't remember anything for long.
15. The brain does not work properly. One wants to do one thing and something else is done. His brain does not work properly.
16. One does not feel like doing anything. His heart wants to run away from things. He does not take interest in his work.
17. Making astray. Someone is made astray and derailed.
18. Making one habitual of smoking cigarette and hash.
19. Making one habitual of drinking.
20. Making one long for having sex. Or making one enter into prostitution.
21. Making one hate religion, and the holy book and the creator.
22. Making one dreamless.
23. Making a woman a prostitute.
24. Giving stomach aches.
25. Giving acidity and pain in the chest.
26. Creating problem in the liver. Liver is an important organ in the human body, so some people when they want to destroy someone will cast spells on that victim to harm his liver.
27. The wife sees the husband's face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog. This too is done with the help of magic to create problems in someone's life.
28. Making a man gay. A man cannot get physically involved with anyone when this spell is cast upon him because he becomes useless.
29. Magic using voodoo dolls. This too is a very harmful form of magic. And the victims doll is made and pins are stick into it and the spell is cast upon it.
30. Children weaken and die. In this type of magic, the child becomes severely weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.
31. A woman loses her child during pregnancy. The child is killed inside the womb before he is born. This too can be done using black magic.
32. Making the cattle sick using magic. Magic on animals.
33. The animals don't give milk and remain sick. This too is done using black magic.
34. Men start hating women. A husband is made to hate his wife.
35. Girls don't get proposals anymore. In this type of magic, the girl that this magic is cast upon, does not get any proposals for marriage.
36. Pain in the bones and joints and arthritis.
37. a woman is made to hate men and she does not feel like getting close to them, as in sex with her husband, she does not like it.
38. Making the face look ugly. A woman is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a witch.
39. Making a woman infertile. In this magic a woman is made infertile and she can't have any children.
40. Making the rizq/earnings less. A person is financially made weak.
41. Destroying someone's home. Disturbing the peace of somebody's home and leaving it all destroyed and messed up.
42. Making someone suffer from an incurable disease.
43. Disgracing a woman in her husband's eyes.
44. Making a husband suspect his wife. This creates problems in their life.
45. Snatching someone's job or disgracing him and lowering his position.
46. Getting a woman divorced.
47. Making the rich into poor. A rich person's riches are taken away with black magic.
48. Making someone live in exile.
49. Making someone full of anger. With this magic a person remains angry all the time.
50. Women feel pain in ribs and chest.
51. OKDAM zikar, it is that type of magic which when going to someone's home for a proposal, it is cast upon them and the girl's family then keeps talking about the boy's family for months.
52. Making someone fall in love.
53. Putting fear of the unknown in someone's heart.
54. Khamol magic. Making someone weak and lazy. That he doesn't feel like doing anything.
55. MIRGI fits. (Epilepsy). A person is made to suffer Epilepsy.
56. Magic with which a person is made to suffer LAQWA. Bell's palsy.
57. Seher AL MAFLOJ, paralysis. A person is made paralyzed, either in some parts of the body or all over.
58. Seher Kabos. One feels sleepy all the time.
59. Head spinning and feeling dizzy and blackout in front of the eyes.
60. Stopping nikkah for someone. Bandish of nikkah. It is cast right at the time of nikkah.
61. Surat anzal. A man is faced with this problem and he does not get cured.
62. Periods are stopped, menopause even before its time.
63. Magic of insanity. A person is made completely insane. He does not remain in his senses.
64. Masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt hindu dead bodies is put in some food for kids to eat.


Yes there are many cures in different religions but as we are Muslims we do it our own Islamic ways which are very accurate and permanent.
My name is Dua Ali and I'm a spiritual healer, have cured enormous number of cases with spiritual problems around the world. I can break, reverse any kind of magic, haunt, witchcraft, Sifli (Severe and very dangerous type of Witchcraft) and other intense types of black magic, with the help of Qur'anic Verses, powerful jinns and God gifted Miracles. I Also have cure for diseases like HIV+, Cancer, Hepatitis and other complicated and life threatening diseases. I am a housewife not a professional and I do this work for the love of God and to serve mankind. I also perform Exorcism over phone call in all over the world. I can even tell who has done magic on you, but what I do is all legal, please do not come to me for illegal purposes.

Note:In order to get readings, please provide us your location and full names or if possible send photo of the affected person. We deal spiritual healing in all over the world. We even cure HIV Aids, Cancer and Hepatitis and other complicated and other life threatening diseases.


+92 0323 5077420
+92 0323 5787508

+92 0334 5806822 Whatsapp 24/7
Dua Ali.
 You can get more info Thoroughly on Wikipedia regarding Witchcraft and Black Magic

Remember me in your prayers.